Wednesday 30 June 2021

How to conquer insecurity in relationship in 7 steps

 Insecurity in relationship a vital issues that could affect the relationship in the long long run. An insecurity could come in the form of anxiety or fear that the relationship is heading for the rocks even before it has gained a foothold. 

What causes insecurity in a relationship?

The major cause of insecurities in a relationship is usually the absence of self-love. If one partner clings on to harmful limiting beliefs, such as the fear of failure, hauntings by past losses, or thinking that they don't deserve love, such people won't be able to trust anyone completely.

Trust is key in any relationship– and real trust is the foundation and pillar of any relationship. 

Insecurity in relationship

Here's a look at some ways to cope with insecurity and jealousy: 

  1. Find the root cause of the matter and trace your fear back to its source. 
  2. Take a time out to do some soul searching. Sometimes what you are worried about may not truly exist and could be a figment of your imagination.
  3. Talk to a trusted friend or therapist. Be open with your doubts and fears. 
  4. Look at the bigger full picture and ask yourself: can I spend my lifetime with this person, having known that such a person isn't trustworthy?
  5. Be grateful for what you have. Unrealistic expectations could be a cause of your insecurity. Don't compare your partner with another person's boo.
  6. Cut off overthinking, just stop overanalyzing little things.
  7. Pray about your fears and trust God for answers in your relationship.

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